Remembrance Day – 11th November 2022

Why We Remember on 11 November

The 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month is a moment not only to pause and remember all those who have served and sacrificed in wars and conflicts across the world, but also to reflect on the historical events that led to this day of significance.

Originally announced to mark the anniversary of the Armistice that ended fighting with Germany in World War I, Remembrance Day today gives us all the opportunity to acknowledge the service personnel who died while serving in wars, conflicts, and peacekeeping operations.  

Signatures that Ended Four Years of Conflict

At 5am on 11 November 1918 in a railway carriage in France, representatives of France, Britain and Germany all signed a document that would put an end to four years of conflict. Six hours later – at 11am – those signatures would bring into effect the Armistice that ended World War I.  

Across the world, people rejoiced and celebrated the news, including in Australia. Despite the late hour of the day, school, fire station, and church bells around the country rang, waking hundreds of people to share the news that war was over.  

Alongside the excitement, there was also a notable sense of loss and grief. More than 60,000 Australian soldiers had made the ultimate sacrifice, more than 150,000 had been wounded or taken prisoner and some 23,000 soldiers were missing. Very few families did not have some link to the war effort.  

It would take another six months of negotiations before the Treaty of Versailles was signed in June 1919 and for exhausted troops to return home to their loved ones. For many, while they returned home, they never truly left the horror of the battlefields behind. 

Stone of Remembrance at the Australian War Memorial, 1949 | Image – Australian War Memorial

A Moment of Silence Sparks Tradition

On the first anniversary of the Armistice (11 November was known as Armistice Day until after World War II) King George V asked all the people of the British Empire to observe two minutes’ silence at 11am.  

It is a tradition still honoured today during Remembrance Day services as we remember all who have served in the Australian Defence Force, in World War I and in all wars, conflicts, and peacekeeping operations since.  

The tradition was formalised in Australia in 1997 by Governor-General Sir William Deane, who issued a proclamation declaring 11 November to be Remembrance Day and urging all Australians to observe one minute of silence at 11am on 11 November each year.  

Today, we encourage all Australians to attend a service and honour those who have served. If you can’t make it to a service, it’s easy to set a reminder on your calendar, switch your phone to ‘do not disturb’ and pause for one minute to remember. It’s a simple action that means so much.  

Remembrance Day Service at Kings Park in Perth, WA | Image – Department of Defence

Other Remembrance Day Traditions

While it may be the best-known Remembrance Day tradition, the minute’s silence is not the only custom carried out on 11 November.  

The red poppy is equally as significant to Remembrance Day. Known as the ‘Flower of Remembrance’, the red poppies were among the first to flower in the battlefields of northern France and Belgium after the conflict ended. The vivid red bloom was adopted in England in 1919 as an emblem to honour the dead and help the living, and Australia followed in 1921.

Today, poppies are worn on Remembrance Day – on the left lapel – in memory of those who served and made the ultimate sacrifice, and to recognise their acts of gallantry.  

Other traditions commonly seen on 11 November include wearing a sprig of rosemary as a sign of remembrance and loyalty, and flying flags at half-mast from 10:30-11:03am.  

An Australian solider wears a poppy on Remembrance Day

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