Ride to Work day

Ride to Work day 2023 falls on Wednesday October 18th. It encourages everyday people to jump on a bike and get active on their way to work.

Two thirds of Australians aren’t getting enough exercise to maintain their health and our cities are being flooded by traffic. This is affecting climate change and is costing billions every year. Riding a bike is one of the easiest solutions; you can get your recommended daily exercise and feel healthier and better for it.

There are more benefits in participating in Ride to Work day, such as:

Reducing traffic congestion – By using alternative modes of transportation, fewer cars are on the road, which can help alleviate traffic jams and make commuting more efficient for everyone.

Environmental Benefits – Cycling, walking, carpooling and public transport produce fewer greenhouse gas emissions than individual cars trips. This reduces air pollution and helps combat climate change.

Health Benefits – Riding a bike or walking to work can promote physical activity and improve personal health.

Cost Savings – Using alternative transportation methods can save you money on fuel, parking and vehicle maintenance.

Community Building – Carpooling or walking with colleagues can lead to social interaction and a sense of community in the workplace.

Supporting sustainable cities – Promoting alternatives to driving alone helps cities become more sustainable, with better infrastructure for cycling, walking and public transportation.

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Head Office
W1, 337 Settlement Rd Thomastown VIC 3074
210, 12 Ormond Blvd Bundoora VIC 3083
769 High St Epping VIC 3076
Mill Park/South Morang
Shop 3, 24 Oleander Dve Mill Park VIC 3082
952 High St Reservoir VIC 3073